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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Throwing Sticks

Throwing stick
 Most throwing sticks were used to throw at wild fowl hoping to stun it or break a wing. They were often maid of wood. They were usually shaped almost like a boomerang ... I wonder if it will come back to you? 


Ancient Egyptian Arrows
Only the wealthier Egyptians had bows but they still needed lots of arrows. Their arrows were made of reeds. Then they were tipped with ivory, bone, flint, or any other type of metal.Usually the arrows had sharp tips to kill outright. Sometimes they had flat tips to weaken the animal by piercing the hide.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fishing in Ancient Egypt

Fish was a primary source of food for the Egyptians. There were many fish in the Nile like perch, eel, and catfish. They often used two boats made of reed with a net in between called a drag net. The drag net had weights on the bottom and floats on the top That helped the net stay open.  They also used harpoons and sometimes hooks with a line. The often dried fish out in the sun just like the other animals.

Tools and Strategies the Egyptions used to Hunt

The Egyptians used many tools like the throwing stick.  The throwing stick was almost shaped like a boomerang. It was used to throw at wild fowl as it flew into the air hoping that it would stun it or break a wing. They even used harpoons which would be made of ivory or different metals.  Only the wealthier people had bows and arrows and they were rare but some people still had them.

They sometimes used dogs to attack their prey. They also used nets with weights on them that were set up in a certain way that it would trap the animals.    

Animals the Egyptions Hunted

Desert Hare
The Egyptians hunted many animals.  Here are just a few animals that they hunted wild fowl, desert hare,and deer.The wealthier people such as kings and nobles hunted different game such as lions, wild bulls, elephants, gazelles, antelopes, and hippos. 

 Animals were found in riversides, marshes, and in the dessert.  After they were killed they would often take the meat and hang it up in the sun to dry.